In Summary of John 8:36 it says,"If the Son liberates you and makes you free men, then you are really unquestionably free through and through."
Bottom Line:
If Jesus sets you free, you are unquestionably free.
What this means to me:
Jesus has the power to liberate me and truly free me from my fallen state and if Jesus sets me free then I am unquestionably free. This translates into no longer being a slave to this world or its ways. To me the world defines freedom as “life without any restraint; one in which you can do or say anything you’d want to do,” and while this practice may burn others, one would get their own way. In summary you get freedom but by being totally selfish. Scripture tells me that the the only way to be free is through Jesus. Real freedom from him provides freedom from fear, where I’d be truly free from any guilt, worry, bitterness and death. I would be free to quit any pretending because I would be free. So the best way for me to move forward and to eliminate any of these fears in my life is to let God live me. I need to remember that God loves me and when I keep this in mind then I can begin to live in true freedom. God way takes the focus off of me (selfishness) and puts it on; love for him and love for others (serving, helping others.) Today I will keep in mind how much God loves me and has shown me how to be free from guilt, worry and bitterness.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
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In 1 Peter 4:10 it says, “Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace.” (NCV) W...
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