In summary of Romans 3:23-24 it says, "All have sinned and fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness and sheer generosity declares us ‘not guilty’ and has put is in a right standing with himself (makes us righteous again) if we trust in Jesus. This is a pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restores us to where he always wanted us to be. He did it by means of Jesus Christ and his redemptive work."
Bottom Line:
All of us seriously fall short of God’s standard. Yet God provides us with an undeserved kindness and generosity and will declare us ‘not guilty’ if we trust in Jesus. This is not something we can earn or work towards, it is a pure gift from him. He did this by means of his son Jesus Christ’s redemptive work.
What this means to me:
God cares for me so much he developed a plan to make me right again with him. It is not something I could have ever earned, it is purely a gift. His plan included the use of his son here on earth to testify to the truth and to act as my (our) ultimate redemptive sacrifice and take the penalty for my (our) wrongs. So daily I can come to God and simply ask him to forgive me for the things I’ve done wrong and to look straight ahead with an honest confidence of his forgiveness and grace. When past failures come to mind, I will ask you to help me to remember that you’ve already forgiven me for these. When old wrongs come to mind, I will turn those feelings into a prayer of gratitude. Today I will focus on the joy that comes from being forgiven and right with him, a son of his who will ultimately enjoy fellowship with him through eternity.
Friday, June 8, 2012
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