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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Guilt and Unrealistic Expectations Destroy Your Confidence

In summary of 1 John 3:21, it says "Friends, if we don’t have a guilty heart, we can come before God with a bold confidence."

Bottom Line:
If we don’t have a guilty heart (unconfessed sins/wrongdoings) we can come before God with a bold confidence.

What this means to me:
God is all-powerful and everywhere.  I can barely measure up to what he had originally planned for me before the fall.  It is difficult for me to approach him if am harboring unconfessed sins.  Having a clear conscience allows me to approach him with a bold confidence.  My confidence varies greatly from day to day.  This is essentially because of what’s going on within me.  When I face the hurts, habits and hang-ups of this life, it is extremely important for me to walk without self-condemnation and within the faithful confidence that God forgives me if I admit my wrongdoings to him and make things right with those whom I’ve done wrong to.  It’s important for me to rid myself of unresolved guilt that destroys my confidence.  Often I craft up some very unrealistic expectations, feeling like I should be flawless, perfect and pleasing to everyone.  I’ve learned over time that just because I don’t finish all the things on my todo list I’m not a failure.  Today and moving forward, I will strive to continue to confess to God things in my life that I still struggle with so that I can be clear with God and not let them hold me back.  With his strength I can overcome.