Thursday, April 12, 2012
Decision Making - asking for wisdom, exercising muscles of faith
A summary of James 1:5-8 says, "If you need wisdom (or don’t know what you’re doing) pray and ask our generous God, He loves to help. You’ll get his help and not rebuke you or be condescending for asking. But when you ask, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. Do not waver (or “worry your prayers”), for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, they are unstable in everything they do. In other words, don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, keeping all your options open."
Bottom Line:
If you find yourself in need of wisdom about a decision or something you’re doing, pray and ask our generous God, he loves to help. He’ll gladly provide this without rebuke or being condescending.
But scripture tells us we must come to God boldly, believingly and without a second thought (trying to keep all of our options open.) You must be sure that you’re putting your faith in God alone (not self or worldly ways.) But not putting your full faith in God, you are unsettled with a loyalty divided between God and the world. If we are like this, don’t expect to get anything from God.
What this means for me:As I am learning in scripture more about the character of God and truly studying and seeing in his word that he can do anything (even defy what I would think would be on the nature of how things work.) So James tells us to come to God when we have a decision or need wisdom. God loves to provide. However, I cannot hold onto this world (maybe it’s comforts or easier ways - no sacrifice) and ask God as well. Doing so is being unsettled, or saying “I’m keeping my options open for the what seems to be a selfish means to my end” and taking it instead. I need to only look to what God provides as Wisdom and trust wholly in that. If I don’t come into my asking of God with this attitude, or strong belief, then James says we should not expect to get anything.
So I must treat requests for wisdom with a strong belief that God will provide what is best for the situation and trust what he provides as an answer (consistent with his character and his word.) Don’t let myself be distracted by worldly things.
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