A summary of Ecclesiastes 6:9b, says "Enjoy what you have rather than desiring or having an appetite for what you don’t have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless, it’s like chasing after the wind."
Bottom Line:
It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to be always wanting something else.
What this means for me:
For me, I think the key thing is to just rejoice in what I already have and to avoid focusing on what I don’t have. Everything I already have is a gift! Scripture continually tells us that what we have is usually more than enough. I already have more than I deserve!
I just need to watch myself and avoid thoughts about, “If I would get more it would solve some problems or make me much happier.” I have learned from scripture (His Word) that happiness does not come from having, its a gift God gives as I surrender myself and my will to him and allow myself to be used by him.
The world is full of constant messages that drive us to be discontent. I can choose to battle this by just focusing on what I already have or what God has provided.
This notion also ties into the last few days when I’ve come across scripture regarding envy and comparison. The key for me will be to refrain from resenting others who already have the things I would hope to have. I really don’t need more to be happy. God will grant joy and happiness in the things I do as I learn to trust and follow him.
Friday, April 20, 2012
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