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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Key Ingredient in Making plans

In one of my most recent quiet times I came across James 4:13-16 (New Living Translation)

Photo by Koyochi

The sub-title for this passage was a "Warning about Self-Confidence" and it said:
"13 Look here, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit." 14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it's here a little while, then it's gone. 15 What you ought to say is, "If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that." 16 Otherwise you are boasting about your own plans, and all such boasting is evil."

James points out some interesting comments/warnings here about how we should make our plans...

  • We often take for granted what will be available to us today, tomorrow and the future. And we can tend to put our confidence in our own abilities.

  • James warns us that we do not always know what lies ahead for us. This life in comparison with eternity is like a brief fog that occupies only a brief portion of the day. Here one moment, gone the next.

  • James continues to warn us that what we should be saying/thinking is, if the Lord wants us to, we will. God is in control!

Does this mean that we shouldn't have plans or goals?

  • It is good to have plans or goals, however, these plans and goals will disappoint us if we leave God out of them.

  • There's no point in making plans as though God does not exist or is not a part of it, because the future is really in his hands.
  • The key ingredient is including God!

If your like me, I have lots of plans/goals going on right now. This passage is pointing out that I need to review these to be sure that I'm including God and His desires within them.

In Summary:

  • It's important that I put God at the center of my life

  • Make plans, however, make sure they are in line with His desires

  • Talk/pray to God for wisdom and insight

  • Continue to Love people in the process

  • Continue to meet and discuss plans/goals regularly

So, Plan ahead... but hold your plans loosely. Be Sure to put God's desires at the center of your planning, he will never disappoint you.

Let me know if this perspective has been helpful to you. I appreciate your comments and love to hearing from you.